Saturday, April 20, 2013

Biblical Worldview - Week 2

Richard Won

This week on Worldview by Ms Christine Colby, International Director of Community Development Centre, Kona Hawaii is awesome. In the past, I could not understand worldview well. I felt the subject was too big, too many jargon, complex and technical. So I was looking forward to learn from the world renowned scholar on world view. Ms Christine could explain it simply and clearly. She was able to bring the subject matter to an irreducible minimum that the class could captured and convinced of the subject. 

Worldview is everything in Community Development. An understanding of it will move people towards God's intention. Society and culture have distorted true biblical worldview into Animistic Worldview and Secularistic Worldview. In Animism where everything is spirit and hinges on the supernatural. Fear is the issue and the way out is to appease the spirits by offerings and sacrifices. In Secularism where everything is physical or natural. Pride is the issue and man seeks to achieve, produce and gain. The man who is the richest, most intelligent, has most toys is viewed as successful. In Secularism, there is no understanding of God at all. Everything is controlled by man. However, to reach the Animistic or Secular culture, we need to educate the people on the Biblical World View that God created humankind according to Gen 1:26. And God made human to be male and female. They are equal in terms of value but different in function. God had given dominion or authority to man and even though man fell due to sin, the dominion was not removed from man. God value us. God called us to reign with Him. This is the correct world view of who we are in God. 

After we have understand the worldview of the people, we must discern the belief tree of the culture. Don't just simply solve the fruit or behavior issue in the community such as poverty, oppression, violence, alcohol abuse, drug abuse etc. Go deeper and look at the root issues such as rejection unbelief, unforgiveness, pride etc. Keep asking questions and keep probing on why the problem exists in that culture. What has happened? When it happened? Who has caused it to happen? And after we have evaluated the questions. We go to God in intense prayer and seek a suitable solution and strategy to help the society.

To effect a worldview change in any society or culture is a very long process. We have to uncover the lies and deception that the people have been bound to believe in for a long time. The Community Development persons must think in terms of 100 years development. Is a tall order and we enter into it for a long haul to effect a change. History has shown us there are breakthroughs such as Willbeforce who took him 36 years to change the British government to abolish slavery in England. And Father Salman who worked for over 30 years among the garbage collectors in Cairo. And the breakthrough came for these two heroes of faith.
We should never give up hope but to press on. The Isaiah 61:1-4 is a great encouragement for CD workers that God is still very much at work in the world. 

Isa 61:1-4
The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; he has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound; to proclaim the year of the Lord 's favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn; to grant to those who mourn in Zion— to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he may be glorified. They shall build up the ancient ruins; they shall raise up the former devastations; they shall repair the ruined cities, the devastations of many generations. (Isaiah 61:1-4 ESV)

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Welcome - Week 1

By Michael Brewer

Hi my name's Michael, and I just wanted to give some perspective on my first week in the Foundations of Community Development course here at YWAM Montana.  Team dynamics is huge in any undertaking.  Very little gets done if a team cannot recognize its strengths, value the individuals that make it up, and communicate effectively with each other to achieve a common goal.  In our first week, we focused on what makes a good team, and how we could apply that to the team the God has brought together for these 3 months of exploration into what makes development possible.  Some of the main topics we discussed were personality types, conflict transformation (making conflict resolution something that translates into resolution as well as deeper relationship), and communication.  For me personally, I have been in YWAM for 8 years and have led a lot of teams, but I am always seeking to be more well rounded in how I contribute to and operate within a team setting.  God has faithfully led me in a process of transformation that is leading me to become someone who values others, walks in humility, and seeks to give God the glory in everything I do. I am excited for how this school will continue to shape me in that journey.  
