
Spring 2013

Bethany Bernard
My name is Bethany Bernard. I am from the Yukon territories in Canada but have spent the majority of my life in BC Canada. I grew up a pastors kid. I am passionate about reaching out into the community around me to impact people for the glory of God. I am very interested in doing midwifery in a village developing country setting and possibly among women in brothels. I did my DTSs in Salem, Oregon.

Dawn Rogers
My name is Dawn Rogers. I am from Chicago, Illinois and Orlando, Florida. I did my DTS in Livingstone, Zambia in 2011 and have been there for the past year serving at a children's home. I think that coffee, flowers, writing, and books are lovely. My heart is to see people fall in love with Jesus and walk in obedience to the beautiful plans He has for their life. I want to see people changed by the power and grace of the gospel

Michael Brewer
My name is Michael Brewer and I am originally from Pennsylvania.  I lived in Colorado for 8 years serving with YWAM Denver, and have recently transitioned out of that to begin getting training in understanding and implementing community development projects.  My desire is to see downtrodden and hopeless people throughout the world brought into a life with Christ where they find their hope, destiny, and joy, that they can then share it with others.

Richard and Clara Won
Richard and Clara from Singapore Ywam have been in Ywam since 2001. They have three adopted girls: Hoa 30 years, Grace 30 years and Sonia 7 years. Hoa is married to Mark. Grace is married to Wee Lee and they have a daughter Trisha, 1 year old
Richard and Clara did their DTS in Ywam Singapore and their outreach in Malaysia and Thailand in 2001. Then the Lord led them to join the School of Frontier Mission as staff from 2002 to 2003. Sensing the need for a cross cultural experience, they responded to God’s call to Ywam Myanmar (Burma) from 2003 to 2008. While in Burma, they involved in the Community Development. They pioneered a educational centre where English is taught to Burmese. When the school was established and completed, they returned to Ywam Singapore to pioneer a Development, Community and Care Program for the staff from 2008 to 2012
Richard and Clara loved the outdoor life such as swimming, brisk walking, cycling and travelling.