
Spring 2013

Arnold and Debbie Rottier (school leader)
Arnold has been with YWAM since 1986 in Uganda, Hawaii, Indonesia, Switzerland, South Africa and Montana. He grew up on a farm in Alberta, Canada; the oldest of five children in a Dutch immigrant family.
Arnold did his DTS in 1986 in Hiedebeek, Holland, with an outreach in Uganda followed by a School of Mercy, Relief and Development in Vancouver, Canada, with a field practical in Mexico.  He hold a B.Sc in Agriculture from the University of Alberta.  He has worked primarily in the area of Community Development training with YWAM’s Foundations in Community Development (FCD) School. He has a heart to see people equipped for long-term ministry within communities.
Arnold is married to Debbie and they have three children Nathan 23, Daniella 21, and Mia 15. They moved to YWAM Montana in 2000 to help start the ministry of community development at this base as it seeks to serve 5 target nations of Ukraine, Thailand, Nepal, India and Taiwan.  Arnold enjoys his family, reading, the outdoors and gardening.
Debbie joined YWAM in 1982 when God called her to minister in the area of hospitality to ‘serve the saints’. Since then she has served in YWAM in the Netherlands, Hawaii, Indonesia, Uganda, Switzerland, Denmark, and South Africa.  Debbie has managed base hospitality teams, organized hospitality for events and conferences, and have done hospitality seminars for our mission and churches.  She has also written a book on hospitality called “A Cup of Cold Water”.

Benji and Aubree Poffenroth
Benji: I was born in Canada and then raised in Austria as a missionary-kid.  I had a radical encounter with God when I was 21 that got me following Jesus whole-hearted.
I did my DTS in Lakeside in 2007 and came on staff shortly after that.  In 2010 I married my lovely wife Aubree who has changed my life forever!
I love the world and the many people I get to meet but I've also found a new joy in serving my local community.  I want to see the people of this valley reconciled back to God to be made whole so we can transform the world together.
I enjoy travel, sports, photography, the outdoors, history and spontaneous adventures.
Aubree: I grew up in Oregon but have lived in Montana for the last four years. I originally came on staff to work with sports and the kids on base but during my time here i have also staffed summer programs, DTS and other logistical areas on the base. I met my husband Benji here in lakeside in 2009, who swept me off my feet and we've been married for almost three years now!
I am very aware of my need for Jesus and I love being in his presence. I love prayer and worship and being a part of people's journey towards freedom.

Craig and Jen Poor
Craig and Jen Poor have been working cross-culturally with YWAM and other missions organization since the 1980s. Over 25 years and 18 nations of wandering, Craig and Jen have staffed or run Environment And Resource Stewardship (EARS) schools, Leadership Training Schools, Humanities and Science Core Courses, and the FCD. They have also helped pioneer new ministries and develop missions facilities, participated in disaster response, lead prayer journeys, and hosted college interns.  Craig, a Ph.D. engineer trained in regional water planning and management, focuses on leadership development, planning, community transformation, and project management.  Jen has a Ph.D. in entomology with an emphasis on the biological control of mosquitoes. She teaches on a variety of sustainable development, science, and education topics. Currently, the Poors live in Lakeside Montana with their high school son, Levi. Their older son, Josh, is a freshman at the University of Arizona.

José Wellington Sousa
Wellington is from Pará, Northen Brazil and is 27 years old. Since September 2012 he has been serving as a missionary in Amazon Reach Project from Marine Reach Ministries International; a ministry from YWAM. Amazon Reach Project serves river communities by medical and dental outreaches, evangelism, and educations programs like kids club, sexual purity seminars and craft classes.Wellington finished his DTS in July 2012 in YWAM Almirante Tamandaré, Southern Brazil. Before YWAM, he studied economy at college and studied, as specialization, regional development and education. In 2011 he got a Master of Science in Business Administration. He taught introductory classes like economy, business and methodology of science in some colleges in Northern Brazil.In the winter 2013, Wellington finished the Community Development for Missions School at YWAM Denver, joined Project Staff for the Foundations in Community Development School at YWAM Montana and is going to Uganda in July 2013 for internship. He loves to teach and is going to start a Community Development School next year in Northern Brazil.

Josh Tivis
Josh is from New Mexico and has a heart for missions and agriculture. He grew up going back and forth from the mission field in Mexico to the family farm in New Mexico and has maintained a passion for both. In the summer of 2011 God called him to do a  Around the world DTS with YWAM Denver while he was at YWAM he found out about the school of Community Development for Missions and wanted to receive more training in that area to eventually go and serve full time on the mission field. After completing the CDFM Josh will be working with the FCD in Montana. Then after Montana he plans on going to Uganda for an internship.                      

Lum is from Malaysia, growing up in a Straits Chinese family setting. He received Christ at 19 years of age when he left home to work on the plantations. In1984 he went to Borneo as a market place missionary, planting a church there with a few others a year later. To support himself as a career planter, he raised rubber, cocoa and oil palms for multinational corporations, eventually becoming a senior executive in one of these. On hearing God’s call to leave the plantation industry in 2005 to help churches grow, he eventually joined YWAM and did his DTS in Singapore. He has been involved in frontier mission, EARS and the FCD in recent years.

Susan Etts
Susan obtained a Master's in Geology from University of Hawaii before surrendering her life to Christ. She worked as a naturalist at Haleakala National Park, completed CDTS in Kona, SBS in Montana, and then began a new life working for God's Kingdom. Her heart is to see people reconciled with their Creator, and for all to take their place as Ambassadors for Christ by finding their unique style of glorifying God and restoring relationships with God, one another and all of creation. One month she might be giving a workshop on safe water, hygiene & sanitation issues in Africa as a field trainer with Lifewater International, and the next hiking with some environmentalists or riding her bicycle along the Lewis & Clark trail to pray for healing of the land.  She has also taught inductive Bible study skills for both literate and oral learners, staffed the YWAM SBS core course and EARS schools, and loves facilitating participatory style workshops to see people transformed and gain the skill and confidence to become catalysts for change in their communities.