Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Welcome - Week 1

By Michael Brewer

Hi my name's Michael, and I just wanted to give some perspective on my first week in the Foundations of Community Development course here at YWAM Montana.  Team dynamics is huge in any undertaking.  Very little gets done if a team cannot recognize its strengths, value the individuals that make it up, and communicate effectively with each other to achieve a common goal.  In our first week, we focused on what makes a good team, and how we could apply that to the team the God has brought together for these 3 months of exploration into what makes development possible.  Some of the main topics we discussed were personality types, conflict transformation (making conflict resolution something that translates into resolution as well as deeper relationship), and communication.  For me personally, I have been in YWAM for 8 years and have led a lot of teams, but I am always seeking to be more well rounded in how I contribute to and operate within a team setting.  God has faithfully led me in a process of transformation that is leading me to become someone who values others, walks in humility, and seeks to give God the glory in everything I do. I am excited for how this school will continue to shape me in that journey.  


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