Friday, May 3, 2013

Community Development Principles - Week 3

Dawn Rogers 

God’s heart is for His kingdom, for Heaven on earth. God’s heart is for us to be whole, for us to walk in His intentions that were made from the beginning.

We’re broken. Our relationships on all levels have been damaged—with God, with ourselves, with one another, and with creation. It is not as He intended it to be. But God is a God of hope. God is a God who came to bring Heaven to earth, to reconcile all things, to bring us into fullness in His kingdom, which is “now and not yet” every day. God’s heart is for His kingdom, for Heaven on earth. God’s heart is for us to be whole, for us to walk in His intentions that were made from the beginning.

And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man. Luke 2:52

Our Father desires us to walk in this too. Jesus is our model; He is who we look to in order to see things as they should be. All in all, this comes down to love. What does it look like to love God and love our neighbor? They are equally important in value. Jesus sums up the law in loving.

With love we have the potential to restore things, to see a glimpse and a glory of how things were meant to be. If we walk in love, we would do no wrong to our neighbor. When we walk in love we are living out the kingdom of God, we are living out the heart of God for all creation.

So God cares about every part of us: physical, social, psychological, and spiritual. What do we shine to the outside world? Are people seeing the God of mercy and redemption? Or do they just see the spiritual, your-soul-needs-to-be-saved God?

For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. Colossians 1:19-20

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