Monday, May 6, 2013

Community Transformation - Week 4

Clara Won

One principle I learned in Community Transformation is that,
‘The Church is the litmus paper of what is happening in the community’.
- by Alistair Pettrie. This is a sobering revelation. It means that what’s happening in the Church is also happening in the community. As I ponder on it. I come to realize that it is evident. The Church has tolerated the low morality among it’s members.  But is ‘loud’ against those whose behaviors we deemed unacceptable. Today, divorce rates are on the rise in Churches. Leaders and members are involved in extra-marital relationships. Families are broken and have become dysfunctional. Many of our children are growing up in homes with single parents or parents often not home due to work commitment.  As a believer, it has dawned on me that repentance should being in our own household. It is time to ‘clean’ up our own backyard in order to have a voice to represent God in the community. It is time the church takes 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people who are called by my name Humble themselves, and  pray and seek my face and turn from their Wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin andHeal their land.” seriously. We need to be on our knees repenting,Seeking and praying for God’s forgiveness and asking God to helpUs live rightly.  When the truth of God works in our hearts, then weCan be a blessing to our community and nations beyond.

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