Sunday, June 23, 2013

Church Planting - Week 8

Dawn Rogers 

The best nugget of truth I learned during the week of Church and Regional Church Development was the Five P’s of Evangelism.

Presence: let the people in the area witness a godly life. Don’t make it an agenda to get people saved. Let the people see that you love them. They want to see how you will care for the needy, sick, and uneducated.
Proclamation: Proclaim the gospel of Jesus. Depending on the culture and community, people will need to hear the gospel in different ways that they can understand—proclaim the gospel in a way they need to hear it such as preaching, drama, stories, or other ways.
Persuasion: Bringing them to a point of decision to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior; this means a heartfelt faith, not just praying a prayer that they repeat after you.
Planting: “Go therefore and make disciples” (Matthew 28) Teach them to come together, mature, be discipled, and learn His ways. Let them be apart of redeeming their culture, and not a traitor of their culture. Plant, go back there, and appoint elders.
Propagation: Make church planting churches. Raise up the leaders and show them to multiply leaders.

I think the Church needs to understand these principles. Sometimes we want to rush things along and see people saved; but living a life of integrity, a life where we walk with Jesus, that people get to see is a better foundation. When someone witnesses the Church living a life that truly reflects Christ, loving as He did, and walking in truth then when they accept Jesus and want to walk with Him they know what it looks like. I think that type of “soul saving” is much better than having someone repeat after you the prayer of salvation without them having much understanding to count the cost.

Let’s love and walk as children of the light, living lives that show people whom our Savior and Father is. Let’s do life with people and humble ourselves to understand them. 

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