Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Nation Building - Week 6

Michael Brewer

It's always important to be gaining understanding.  As Christians, God has given us minds to be able to know truth, and to apply that truth to our world.  Vishal Mangalwadi spent this entire week really challenging us to think and understand God's desires for his people, and the world he has given us.  While classes this week touched on many topics, I believe it is safe to say that our speaker wanted us to understand the heritage of missions that we as Christians are a part of.  As he took us through the history of the rise of the modern world, I was astounded as he painted a picture of devoted, God-fearing men and women who helped build the modern world.  Abolition, workers' rights, equality of women, technology, science, and freedom were areas of society in which men and women of God played key roles.  Without these people, and their integral view of the Gospel of Christ, our speaker posited that the west would not have arisen as we know it, and we would not be enjoying the fruit of so many dedicated peoples' efforts.  With that knowledge, he then challenged us to go out and do the same.  As Christians, we must not sit on the sidelines.  The Gospel, the Truth, is known to us, and it has something to say to every society, every nation, every problem, and every individual.  This week challenged me personally to engage my mind and my talents in whatever I find at my hand to do, because no issue is untouched by our mandate to disciple and baptize nations.

Thanks for reading!

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